Monday, December 7, 2015

What do the partys three slogans mean in 1984 and how do they relate to today?

   In 1984 the party has three slogans: "War is peace", "Freedom is Slavery", and "Ignorance is strength". Each of these hold their own meaning and bring an important aspect to the story. As you can see these three slogans tend to contradict each other which brings in the term "double thinking" that we learned about in class, a term that describes the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts. Today these slogans still can apply to our own country.
   In 1984 the slogan War is Peace is referring to how Oceania is always in a state of war however, they can feel peace at the same time depending on what the party is telling them to feel. Today we still use the phrase war is peace when engaging in "preemptive" wars which are basically wars when we have evidence that the enemy is going to attempt to attack us. Do you believe that peace is war in a case where were going preemptive war?
  The next slogan is Freedom is Slavery which is a great example of double thinking because it contradicts the previous slogan.  Freedom of slavery is Big Brothers way of saying that if your completely free you'll have many responsiblities, making you into a slave. He believes and leads everyone else to believe that the best option is to follow him and you wont have to be a slave and stuck with so many responsibilities.In return this leads everyone away from freedom just like he wants. Today that slogan still applies just on a smaller scale, in order to receive full freedom here we have to work to be able to gain the things that give us access to freedom such as education, a car, and most importantly money. Although this isn't scene as "slavery per say, it does follow the same concept.
  The last slogan is Ignorance is Strength refers to keeping everyone dumb and blind to whats going on so the party has all the power and insight. In the partys eyes its basically a way of be-littling them and just another way to have that sense of control over them. Its similar to the relationship of a baby and parent, when a child is so young they have a very low understanding of what goes on their for the parents have most control over their child at a young age. We still have this same exact problem today, we aren't supposed to question authority, laws, or education. We also don't get told everything that's going on in the world for the "greater good" and to save us from worrying all the time but is that the real reason we don't get told everything or is it so the government holds more power over us?
  In 1984 Orwell did a great job at picking out slogans that are relivant to not only the book but to thew wrold still today. He also did a great job at inncorportating the "double thinking" concept in all three of these slogans. Do you find these slogans to still be reliavant today?


  1. I think these quotes are still reliavent today. Personally, I feel like the government does not tell us everything because a lot of what they do could be wrong, therefore they want to be able to hold more power over us. Many would worry about what was going on in the government, but we still have a right to know even though they don't tell us. I think you made a lot of good points in your posts.

  2. I believe today these quotes are still relevant. Our government today does not tell us the whole truth. Like propaganda, they switch up the story to make it look real. We deserve to know the truth but we do not get it. These quotes contradict themselves like government does to us. They say they will be respectful but we do not get the full respect.

  3. Many people believe the government hides a lot of their tactics from regular citizens like us to gain more money and power. 'Ignorance is Strength' like you said refers to how oblivious and blind we are to the whole truth, so indeed I do believe that the slogans Orwell used are still relevant to today's world.

  4. Today all of these three slogans are true. Our military is currently overseas fighting for peace andwe give up some of our rights for freedom.

  5. let's cite our sources and not just change a few words please -
