Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Is The Five People You Meet in Heaven a book for everyone?

    The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a book that focuses on very spiritual concepts and takes an imagination to be able to get something out of this book. As Eddie is meeting people in heaven it discuses how everyone of those people have crossed his path for a specific reason and contributed something to his life. This book touches upon fate, beliefs, hope, and faith. These are very controversial topics and many have different perspectives and opinions when it comes to these. Do you believe that everyone crosses your path for a reason? Do you think something positive can come out of dying? These are the questions that The Five People You Meet in Heaven bring to your attention, not everyone likes to think of these things especially for casual reading. Many people even may take offense to some these ideas expressed in the book about the after life if they go against their own personal beliefs.
Lessons Eddie learns
  I think this book is geared toward people who like to think while reading and are open minded to new ideas. This book is constantly throwing new concepts at you and is meant for someone who likes a book with a lot of meaning behind it. This book goes very in depth on Eddie's life and tries to prove to the readers and Eddie that his life did have a purpose. In order to do this it introduces the idea of meeting five people in heaven that were in his life for a reason. I think that book puts a good spin on heaven and its very interesting to see how simple things can alter our lives so much without us having any idea. For example, the third person Eddie met in heaven was a women named Ruby, he only seen a photograph of her because she had owned the Amusement Park he had devoted his whole life to working at. Little did Eddie know, Ruby had known Eddie's father before he passed away and had many things to share with Eddie about him. Someone Eddie never even met changed his whole entire life.
Eddie talking to Ruby
   Another thing this book focuses on is the physical appearance of heaven. In every chapter it gives a detailed description of what heaven looks like to Eddie. In the first paragraph it explains that Eddie has arrived at the after life in the Amusement park where he had spent his whole life. As the chapters go on it discusses the sky changing colors numerous times from white, to grey, to blue. The weather also changes with the colors form warm, to windy, to very cold. The seasons and colors foreshadow the event that's about to happen in that chapter, the good events usually had brighter colors and warmer weather, and the bad events in Eddie's life tend to have darker colors and rougher weather conditions. Do you think this was a coincidence or did the author purposely do this as an outlet to get his point across?
  All and all this book is extremely good and I think it could interest anyone from a wide variety of age groups, male and female. However, when reading a book that's predominately about heaven and dying, it is vital to keep an open mind and be wiling to take on a new understanding of things.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my all-time favorite books! I totally agree that before reading this book, you should have an open mind to a different way of thinking, because the topics are controversial. I honestly believe that everything/everyone crosses your path for a reason, because they teach us lessons. It gives us knowledge by experience. As a Christian, I believe in heaven, so I do think something positive could come out of dying! Aslo, I believe that the author purposely matched Eddie's next event with the colors and weather as use of a plot point. This book has so much meaning and significance behind it, and I loved every page of it.
