Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Time Jump VS Flashbacks

    Throughout the book I've mainly been focusing on the time jumps because they are a very big factor in Slaughterhouse-five. I've been trying to pay close attention to what connects the jumps in Billy's life to what hes doing in that present moment. For example, on page 44 Billy time jumps to visiting his mother in a nursing home while he was drowning in a pool. The aspect that connects these two is that Billy's mother was sick due to phenomena (fluid build up in the lungs) and Billy was drowning in water causing him not to be able to breathe. When first reading the book the concept of Billy time jumping seemed so abstract and hard to grasp but in reality almost everybody has had their own form of a "time jump".
     I can remember being four years old when I had my first trip to the hospital due to a kidney problem, out of the whole experience the most vivid memory I have is laying in my bed fresh out the shower with wet hair when my mom told me she had to take me to the hospital. As a four year old that was a pretty traumatic event and years later, every time I went to bed with wet hair I would flashback to getting taken to the hospital and feel the same sense of fear all over again. Obviously its not the same exact thing as a "time jump" considering your looking back and not forward but its the same concept. All of Billy's time jumps are meaningful to him and that's why he can make these connections between events. Do you ever have flashbacks similar to Billy's time jumps? Why do you think certain parts of events stick in our heads for so long? Also, what connects your flashbacks?


  1. I feel you 100%. For me I tend to confuse dreams with reality(the past). This gets weird when I ask someone and they don't remember something and then I come to the conclusion maybe it didn't even happen. Similar to that is 1984. 1984 and Slaughter House 5 are similar to me in the sense that it's two people having trouble deciphering what's real or not. Sorry for rambling lol.

  2. I think certain things stick in our heads for so long because we're traumatized by certain memories. It's human nature to focus on all bad things rather then the good, so having flashbacks about traumatizing moments is common
